How old were you when you stood in the mirror and began analyzing all the breakouts on your face? The week before my senior prom I had a few pesky breakouts under my chin and you would have thought Armagedon was coming. My world was shattered.

Society paints an image of beauty that honestly, is unrealistic and unattainable. No matter how much we know this to be true... we still feel our stomach sink to the bottom when we look in the mirror with acne.
I’ve recently teamed up with Dermala to try their #FOBO (fear of breaking out) Acne Treatment Kit! What I love about this brand is they are customizing treatments for YOUR skin type. Everyone is different, thus, our skin is very different. Unlike other skincare brands, Dermala addresses all the causes of acne with SCIENCE. Including an imbalanced microbiome. This patent ingredient, the SE Microbiome ComplexTM, combines prebiotics and postbiotics to nourish and re-balance your microbiome, ensuring it keeps working for you and your skin. They keep the acne-causing ones in check so the good ones can help you flourish!

I took their very quick skin quiz and was quickly matched with products that would help ME! After using these items in a few weeks I can already see the small bumps on my chin dramatically clear up. With masks making a comeback I feel more confident than ever to fight off any "maskne"

This company has the data to back up why their customers are seeing amazing results!! They’re not just here to talk the talk but #Dermala is walking the walk.
I’m excited to keep using their amazing products, and I will make sure to keep sharing so you can see my skin progress!
