Hello Friends! Happy Friday morning! As I sit here sipping my cold brew and scribbling down in my planner, I realize one of my big goals for 2019 is to put more focus on my blog and be unapologetically myself. I love the idea of a new year starting but I'm not going to sit here and rattle off a list of quick-thought resolutions that, let’s be real, will have faded by February. Instead, I wanted to choose a word to live by in 2019, and my word is Growth! This year I am going to grow in more ways than one, and I'm very excited (I thought I would be more nervous but I feel oddly more confident than I normally do...cheers to that!). There's a line from a Blink 182 song and it says "I guess this is growing up", and that is entirely how I feel. This year I am going to focus on my dreams with growing this blog, audience, and content as well as personally grow! I'm going to be a wife this year (holy moly!), own a house, and continue to grow Bloggers Live Boston and have some of the biggest events yet! It's a growing period in my life but a damn good one. I encourage you to find your word for this year and let me know what you choose?
Happy weekending!