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How to Get Out of a Creative Rut!


As the popular theme song goes, so it hasn’t been your day, week, month, or year?

Same girl. Same.

2020 is going to go down in history. Our kids will read about this year in textbooks and if you’re a blogger or influencer then you’re also a content creator and sometimes getting creative when the world feels a tad bit broken… is not easy.

I personally can feel like I am riding the wave of a creative rut when the world feels overwhelmingly negative.

So how do you find inspiration during this time?

Talk to your audience!

I personally like to go to the source! If these are the people I am creating content for… I wanna know what they wanna see! If you’re not asking your audience what they want, it’s time to start now.

I turn to my Instagram Stories to have my followers answer a poll of curated questions I have or I simply use the “questions” widget and have my followers ask me specifically what they’d like to see from me.

This takes away the guesswork and gets straight to the point!

Go for a drive

When I am trying to desperately get inspired to create content I often will go for a drive with my husband and scout for shoot locations. This doesn’t need to be a major road trip by any means! Driving around your neighborhood or exploring a nearby town works just as well.


I find myself always browsing Pinterest for every idea under the sun: quotes, Instagram templates, recipes, organizational tips, DIY name it … I’ve pinned it.

Type in: “Summer Photo Shoot” or “Fall Photo Ideas” to find inspiration in whatever season you’re looking for.

Research questions people are asking!

I probably do this one the most! I’m fascinated with SEO and truly love research on what “blogging” or “influencer” questions people have! Google doesn’t disappoint so try and curate a list of common questions you find and create some content based on what people are needing!

When you’re creating content you want to think about what value you’re adding. If no one seems to care about your blog post on yellow shoes … then it’s time to dive into a new topic. Your yellow shoe post isn’t hitting the mark or serving anyone.

When you’re not adding value you’re unable to grow! So dive deeper into what your audience may be searching for.

Pick up a book or magazine

It can be hard to stare blankly at a screen trying to figure out what the heck to spill onto the pages. When you’re feeling this way try picking up a book or magazine that’s of interest to you and zone out!

I find hearing other people’s stories or seeing intriguing visuals helps to get my creative juices flowing.

Utilize your space!

I am one of those people that if my space is chaotic and disorganized then I am also a mess. My environment plays a huge factor in my mood, mindset, and productivity.

During quarantine I needed my surroundings to feel peaceful or going insane was going to be an option (not cute) - I purchased an oil diffuser, lavender vanilla candles, twinkle lights, new notebooks for the office and instantly felt ten times calmer.

If you’re feeling disheveled it will be extra tricky to get motivated! Highly recommended some twinkly lights and some candles.

Outfit Details: Dress by Ralph Lauren, Shoes by American Eagle, Hat by Thrifted

Thanks for reading along!




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