Okaaaay ladies! I’ve received dozens and dozens of DMs asking what products I use to tame my mane. I’m not someone who uses a lot, so these 5 products are my go-to, holy grail, if I was trapped on an Island...miracle workers.

I grew up like most little girls with big sisters, trying to copy every little thing...this included my hair routine. Well, that was a fail! I would use bottles and bottles of scrunch spray….on dry, flat hair and believe me, it wasn’t a cute look! Before I would curl my hair with a rod, I would douse it in hairspray (pretty sure that was flammable). I guess you could say I didn’t fully watch my sister do her hair and only half payed attention.
I learned as I got a little older that LESS was certainly more. I learned what my hair needed and how to keep it healthy.
I now curl my hair with a straightener! Yes. You read that right, a straightener. Some of my friends are amazed by this curling routine and would even call it, witchcraft because it takes literally moments to do and it lasts all day, night and into the week.
And nope, I do not!!! Use hairspray. Not a single spritz.

For me, hairspray actually makes my curls go limp and fall out faster.
So, what do I use?
These gems:
Kevin Murphy Repair Me Rinse & Wash (Shampoo / Conditioner)
After working with my hairstylist, Cristina owner of Viselli Salon on Newbury Street for several months she ended up introducing me to these incredible treasures. I was the girl that typically didn’t care what brand my shampoo or conditioner was. As long as it smelled nice and lathered, I was sold. This duo truly makes my hair feel “salon worthy” you know the feeling when you try to make your soft salon hair last days beyond your expiration date. Now, you can have those soft, lushes locks anytime! (end of infomercial Jessy).
Aussies 3 Minute Miracle Deep Conditioner
Throwing it back to those high-school days! I’ve been using this baby for practically 10 years now!! I will forever use it until they don’t make it anymore (which I pray is never). This stuff is GOLD in a bottle and it’s so inexpensive. Well under $10 and worth all your pennies. Forget ever having to pay massive amounts for hair masks. Grab this little guy at your local drugstore and apply to your hair for 3 minutes or longer. Then rinse it all out and bam! Your hair is moisturized, silky, soft and bouncy. I have been known to apply this to dry hair and throw my hair in a top knot and sleep in it. This product will not make your hair oily and it washes out with ease!
Carol's Daughter Green Supreme Leave- In- Tonic
I found this product on a whim aimlessly shopping at Target for the essentials- groceries, candles, seven pairs of shoes, 58 unnecessary makeup products ...and maybe an accent lamp. You know, things I need. I was in need of a leave in conditioner for dry or wet hair days. I found this and haven’t looked back! Leaves my hair soft and hydrated while still holding styles.
Quai Wave Spray
Yes, this is JUST a sample size but I get those because I literally take it everywhere so It has to fit in my purse. I heard some hype that the Kardashians hairstylists use this specific product. Well, if Kim K approves...then it must work? Well, it does. I am not one for hair sprays but think of this as a low maintenance, flexible sea salt spray! Adds just a little bit of texture to my curls when I want that, I tried but didn’t try...thing going on.
I hope you seek out these products and use them and fall head over heels in love with them like I have!