Give Yourself Grace
Hey there, Friends!
This post comes to you from the comfort of my bed which, by the way, is swimming in a sea of pillows. It’s like that scene in the movie, Along Came Polly when Jen Aniston has Ben Stiller’s character go crazy on his ex’s throw pillows because they’re pointless. Anyways, it’s a late one, but there is something that has been on my mind for some time now.
Why is it so hard to give yourself grace?
I would say I have the tendencies of a perfectionist and possibly someone who is type A. I love plans, structure, routines and knowing what is to come, but I also love being spontaneous, living in the moment and being present. Lately, my plate has been piling up. I started getting down on myself when posts would go up late. If I couldn’t respond within a decent amount of time to comments or messages, I felt like a terrible blogger....aka zero grace was being given.

I looked at my inbox, goal list, and deadlines staring at me, and all I could do was just stare blankly. I felt overwhelmed, exhausted, and creatively drained until Sunday, I woke up with a lovely little cold. Great! Right? Well, it kinda was a good thing. It gave me that kick in the butt I needed to realize I am stressing myself out, and my immune system is being compromised. So I cleared my schedule and got to work. Not every little task was accomplished, but I took steps, and those steps helped motivate me again.

Cardigan by Raga, Dress by Shop The Mint, Headband by Headbands Of Hope

It is okay to have some off days. If every blogger showed you some of their bloopers from their highlight reels, we’d probably play the comparison game a little less.
We must all be able to show ourselves, and of course, show one another grace. Be gentle with yourself I promise it’s all okay.