If you’ve been keeping up with me on social media you’ll soon realize that my passion project and side hustle, Bloggers Live Boston is rapidly growing. We have members all over New England! From Boston to Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Rhode Island! I could not be more proud of the beautiful, kind, positive and supportive community of women we have built thus far.
Earlier this month we teamed up with my favorite salon on Newbury Street, Viselli Salon. They were gracious enough to host Bloggers Live Boston for our Galentines Day event! Which were proudly called: Bubbles, Blowouts and Babes!

Cristina, Viselli Salon's owner is a true lady boss. She is selfless and aims to empower women on the daily. She’s been doing my hair for about a year now, so it meant a lot to me to partner with her on a BLB event. Especially one that screams, girl power!
Our members were able to get free blowouts, sip champagne, indulge in delectable custom cookies by The Mint Mixer (another Boston favorite) and network with all the BLB babes! It was the epitome of a girls night filled with a little extra pampering.
It’s truly heartwarming and eye-opening to follow and talk to all these amazing ladies online and then to see them come together in person and become friends is the best feeling!

Some of our lovely BLB members getting their hair styled by the Viselli Salon team!

You can join BLB by signing up on our website! Click our logo below to check it out!